Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Neal Cassady explains metaphysics, in On the Road: The Original Scroll.
“And of course now no one can tell us that there is no God. We’ve passed through all forms. You remember Jack when I first came to New York and I wanted Hal Chase to teach me about Nietzsche. You see how long ago? Everything is fine, God exists, we know time. Everything since the Greeks has been predicated wrong. You can’t make it with geometry and geometrical systems of thinking. It’s all THIS” He wrapped his finger in his fist; the car hugged the line straight and true.

P. 221
My local book group did "On the Road" last month, so I read the scroll version this time, and its definately the one the read. You get real names - it's about Jack and Neal, not Sal and Dean - and lots of passages that were bowdlerized in the original.

There's no mention of the existentialists - Being and Nothingness wasn't translated until 1958 - but Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are referred to several times.
[J had earlier posted a comment but it's disapeared into Blogger's bowels. It was:]

Dean Moriarty, and Sal Paradise: The metaphysics of....motion, vato--not to say meth and cheap whisky, ho's (and other kix).

The beats were reading Spengler supposedly. Or attempting to. Maybe Sartre, abridged

Kerouac tamed down the accounts of story of Cassady's road trips, substantially (the Amazon blurbs suggest the scroll might be a bit...juicier). Check out the Beat book, other ..unofficial sources.
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