Wednesday, September 22, 2010
On NDPR, Timothy A. D. Hyde reviews Caitlin Smith Gilson's book on Heidegger and Aquinas.
Despite Heidegger's early pronouncement that philosophy is properly agnostic, in his later works, gods play an important role: the gods who need beying (§§191, 267) and the passing of the "Last God" (VII) in the Beiträge as well as the divinities of the fourfold (most notably in the Bremen lecture cycle of 1949 (GA79)), not to mention Heidegger's oracular pronouncement that only a god can save us (of Der Spiegel interview). The real Auseinandersetzungen between St. Thomas and Heidegger partially revolves around which of their approaches to divinity gets to a being centric understanding of the other, not whether one is atheistic or not.
One Auseinandersetzung, two Auseinandersetzungen, soon we'll have a real πόλεμος.
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