Thursday, September 23, 2010
Taylor Carman reviewed the Faye book in the September 10 TLS.
For my part, I must confess, Faye's dark vision of "any attempt to further the acceptance or legitimation" of Heidegger's works as posing "dangers to humanity and to thought" strikes me as too silly to merit serious discussion. And even without the hysterical rhetoric, his argument is so profoundly ill-conceived - the reasoning so feeble, the evidence so thin, the conclusion such a glaring non sequitor - that it's hard to know where to begin.
This transparently absurd book, originally in French, was more than adequately refuted in the excellent collection of essays published in response to it:
"Heidegger à plus forte raison"; Paris: Fayard, 2007; Amato, Arjakovsky, Conche, Crétella, Dastur, David, Fédier, France-Lanord, Gallou, Guest, & Schild; ISBN 978-2-213-63223-0
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