Sunday, September 26, 2010

What? What exactly?
Pity us poor non-You Tube folks. Emails must just be too, too archaic. The site offers none.

I did read one commentator who suggests that it is necessary to "inhabit" Heidegger. I should have liked to add that since he is describing a path rather than providing answers, death as the end of that path (in the sense of the end of space/time) provides a light at the end of the tunnel.

BTW my intro to Heidegger was in a compilation on existentialism where the compiler, a prominent philosopher, described Heidegger's work as something no one could understand and when someone said he did, H would insist that was not what he had intended. Fortunately, enough students continued to try to interpret H so that we have begun to be alerted to the possibilities he revealed.
Death--today on the View. Actually I somewhat prefer the Heideggerians (or dare we say existentialists) who acknowledge the ...existentialist aspects--Death, angst, fear and trembling, y'all--rather than the insistence on metaphysics at all times. Dasein as it orients itself toward Death is not merely a premise...as the gal said, I think I get the rudiments.

Disambiguate, Herr Enowning!
H's project is to get back to ontology through the lived experience, instead of metaphysical speculation. Works for me, in the sense that what matters are the things before me when I get up in the morning; like I'm one day closer to death.
The "analytic" approach appears to me to be sorting out your wacky metaphysics and then building up opinions about reality from there. The existentialist aspects of Heidegger are more of a starting point for a trip in the other direction. Criticism of Heidegger for ignoring ethics or getting caught up in "anthropology" strike me as just not being very used to the direction of his arguments.
The person quotes some interesting sections of Heidegger, but ...I sure as f**k wouldn't want to be in her class (assuming she's a professor/instructor, etc). Sounds like an Apple or Microsoft management type, if not schoolmarmie doing a powerpoint demonstration on Dasein--and her Scruton reference--hah. Scruton barely gets the cliffsnotes to Kant correctly.

...now come on, help me here, folks....this stuff is tough!....Dasein is to Death and Being as....you finish the sentence, class

Existentialism may be sort of too...european and subtle for most Americans, especially ones who don't know Sein from Zeit (or the french variety for that matter)
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