Saturday, January 01, 2011
Advice on deciding the appropriate.
Dasein should explicitly appropriate what has already been uncovered, defend it against semblance and disguise, and assure itself of its uncoveredness again and again. The uncovering of anything new is never done on the basis of having something completely hidden, but takes its departure rather from uncoveredness in the mode of semblance. Entities look as if ... That is, they have, in a certain way, been uncovered already, and yet they are still disguised.

Truth (uncoveredness) is something that must always first be wrested from entities. Entities get snatched out of their hiddenness. The factical uncoveredness of anything is always, as it were, a kind of robbery. Is it accidental that when the Greeks express themselves as to the essence of truth, they use a privative expression--ἂ-λἠθεια? When Dasein so expresses itself, does not a primordial understanding of its own Being thus make itself known-the understanding (even if it is only pre-ontological) that Being-in-untruth makes up an essential characteristic of Being-in-the world?

The goddess of Truth who guides Parmenides, puts two pathways before him, one of uncovering, one of hiding; but this signifies nothing else than that Dasein is already both in the truth and in untruth. The way of uncovering is achieved only in κρἰνειν λὀγω--distinguishing between these understandingly, and making one's decision for the one rather than the other.

P. 265
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