Sunday, February 13, 2011

Aphelis Reloaded has Heidegger on the way we use the word ‘science’ these days.
Interesting clarification, but at times, something like falsification or modification of previous views occurs. Kuhn's paradigms seem slightly more apt than the episteme-talk--but at times Aristotelian like issues may pop up (like when a Darwinist hack starts like praising the "success" of adaptation or something).

Kuhn-speak probably doesn't do much for conty. philosophers, but he at least understood process in a sense--including the institution of science, in a sense--how it operates. There's a sort of "factoid" science--"popular mechanics," more or less-- which generally ignores the context of research and discovery, IMHO. Most in Consumerland don't really understand how to intepret the results of some...research. It's like hula-hoops --a new planet! a new species! new neurological software! Most of those supposed discoveries mean little or nothing--certainly in astronomy that is the case.

Most scientific research functions ...within the free market. There's often a patent involved, research funds, academic issues, so forth--politics, really. As Feyerabend realized--the high-powered academic scientist generally works as an agent for technological capitalism, if not the US military.
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