Friday, February 04, 2011

Art + Cayce on the artist Allan Wendt.
Wendt is an architect by training, and his work has a serious architectural philosophy: space—a kind of nothingness—can be achieved by enclosure. The positive elements of four walls and a roof create an experience of solid emptiness, the oxymoron achieved in Wendt's deeply introspective drawings. But the artist is philosophical in others ways, too. He is influenced by a number of western philosophers, including Martin Heidegger. "In principle," Heidegger remarks, "nothingness remains inaccessible to science." That position agrees with a statement made by Thomas Crow: "the icon does not passively submit to the analytical dissection of the humanist interpreter." Wendt appreciates the role of the artist as the creator and interpreter of feeling—of cool passion.
About the icon (since Kunstwerkes seems to me to insist that for those to whom the icon speaks, space is no longer just 3-dimensional) is that it is only an icon if it belongs to a people. To the rest of us, it is a pretty object or, if we have read MH, maybe a thing.

Until Wendt or any other Westerner can show me his icons and maybe describe for me who his people are, I hear only mumbling of MH's words.
How many people make a people?
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