Friday, February 04, 2011

The end of the modern world, etc., the blog, explains the question of being.
Because beings become intelligible to us primarily in terms of our interests, Heidegger says that we regard beings primarily as equipment (Zeug) for our use. The way that beings are disclosed by us depends on where they fit into our projects, or what Heidegger calls a “totality of equipment” (Zeugganze): “Taken strictly, there is no such thing as a piece of equipment. To the being of any piece of equipment there always belongs a totality of equipment”. Heidegger speaks of the basically equipmental character of all beings as being their “readiness-to-hand” (Zuhandenheit). “The kind of being that equipment possesses – in which it discloses itself as it is – we call ‘readiness-to-hand’”. We can now see that there is a real sense in which the being/intelligibility that things have is “given” to them by Dasein’s interests.
"...the being/intelligibility that things have is “given” to them..."

Vorhandenheit and Zuhandenheit, I think, need to be understood together. MH's later thinking about "thing" makes clear that what we need is "letting be," where we allow the thing to show itself to us. I think that's MH's theory of truth.

I am interested that the preferred Englist translation of aletheia is "uncovering" or "disclosing" and not "revealing." I assume that works to preserve the necessary dimension of concealing.

The phenomenology of perception I have been taught insists on concealing as to be preserved. "Nature loves to hide," Heraclitus wrote. Hence truth abides amid the concealed.
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