Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Europrogocontestovision on space time idiocy.
Einstein modifies Newton, arguing that space and time are actually aspects of the same thing (‘spacetime’) artificially divided by our perceptions. Heidegger disagreed, and held that time was different to space because—for instance—it is possible to go backward and forward in space, but not in time (I can go back to Canterbury; but I cannot go back to 1977. As if I would ever want to). Einsteinians might say: this happens to be true of me, and something similar happened to be true of Heidegger, but that these are particular not universal circumstances: that given the right equipment, which I happen not to possess, I could go back to 1977 – as if a man in 1700, considering that he personally could not travel at 100 mph, decided thereupon that ‘100mph’ was a radically different sort of thing to 5mph or 15 mph. Such a man would be an idiot.)
I am where my id is.
Anyone who takes on Einstein, COnsumerland's favorite quasi-spinozaistic guru can't be all bad . A poor math student , Einstein lifted ideas from many (and denied LeMaitre's big bang theory for years). Feynman's another--he worked next to Edward Teller on the Manhattan project, was directly involved in the H-bomb research-- and then in 60s he's the groovy Cal tech prof.
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