Friday, February 18, 2011
Slavoj Žižek further elaborates the problem with B&T.
Another aspect of the same problem is the passage from ready-at-hand to present-at-hand in Being and Time Heidegger takes as the starting point the active immersion in its surroundings of a finite engaged agent who relates to objects around it as to something ready-at-hand; the impassive perception of objects as present-at-hand arises gradually from this engage ment when things ‘malfunction’ in different ways, and is therefore a derivative mode of presence. Heidegger’s point, of course, is that the proper ontological description of the way Dasein is in the world has to abandon the modern Cartesian duality of values and facts: the notion that the subject encounters present-at-hand objects on to which he then projects his aims, and explots them accordingly, falsifies the proper state of things: the fact that engaged immersion in the world is primordial, and that all other modes of the presence of objects are derived from it.

On closer examination, however, the picture becomes somewhat blurred and more complex. The problem with Being and Time is how to co-ordinate the series of pairs of oppositions: authentic existence versus das Man anxiety versus immersion in worldly activity; true philosophical thought versus traditional ontology; dispersed modern society versus the People assuming iLs historic Destiny. ... The pairs in this series do not simply overlap: when a premodern artisan or farmer, following his traditional way of Life, is immersed in his daily involvement with ready-at-hand objects that are included in his world, this immersion is definitely not the same as the das Man of the modern city-dweller. (This is why, in his notorious ‘Why should we remain in the province?’, Heidegger himself reports that when he was uncertain whether to accept the invitation to go to teach in Berlin, he asked his friend, a hard-working local farmer, who just silently shook his head — Heidegger immediately accepted this as the authentic answer to his predicament.) Is it not therefore, that, in contrast to these two opposed modes of immersion — the authentic involvement with the ready-at-hand and the modern letting oneself go with the flow of das Man — there are also two opposed modes of acquiring a distance: the shattering existential experience of anxiety, which extraneates us from the traditional immersion in our way of life, and the theoretical distance of the neutral observer who, as if from outside, perceives the world in ‘representations’? It seems as if this ‘authentic’ tension between the immersion of ‘being-in-the-world’ and its suspension in anxiety is redoubled by the ‘inauthentic’ pair of das Man and traditional metaphysical ontology. So we have four positions: the tension in everyday life be tween authentic ‘being-in-the-world’ and das Man, as well as the tension between the two modes of extracting ourselves from the everyday run of things, authentic existential resoluteness and the traditional metaphysical ontology — does not this give us a kind of Heideggerian semiotic square?

Pp. 11-2
I have never before been offered such a figure for MH's concepts. Yet I find nothing objectionable in Zizek's description of MH's conceptualizations.

I shall look forward to seeing whether Zizeks' configuration provokes insights also consistent with MH's concepts--hoping that is the case, since I can use all the help I can find.
Zizek's explications are somewhat helpful-- as with "engaged immersion in the world is primordial"--
yet at times perplexing. Here he seems to be attempting to piece together what seem like separate if not incongruous topics in MH--not saying he succeeds but on a few occasions (at least after following Enk. a few months) one wonders how the earlier "existentialist" themes (anxiety, death etc) square with the ontology, Techne, greeks, so forth. QCT is at least as far from B&T as Witt's Phil. Investigations is from the Tractatus, IMHE.

"extraneates" ??
"engaged immersion in the world is primordial" That's what enowning keeps telling me. Pest, as I am, I want it articulated by comparisons. We are worlded as embryo?

MH writes that other creatures are "poor in world," so I take that to be something shared among biology. Is a tree worlded? I think of primordial as universal. I cannot remember the last time I saw anyone offer a good word for universals. I am infected by such skepticism, but I don't know anything more primordial than primordial.

Somewhere I saw that MH's infamous "Turn" can be identified with his shift from "the forgottenness of beyng" to the "abandonment of beyng." (Respect the double genetive "of"?) Can existentialism tolerate an external horizon as limit?
The salamander wakes up in a world, but it is poor for not asking itself why.
Evidence for an understanding of being? When the desire for evidence is just one particular understanding of being?
[Dang it. I deleted J's post from 7:21 AM]

Pest, as I am, I want it articulated by comparisons

like...Evidence, J?? Verboten for PoMo, isnt it. At times ones tempted to ask what ...happens when humans attempt to assess the "truth" of some writing by a Heidegger (or much metaphysics--or Zizek)--even something basic like "anxiety reveals the Nothing". Being neither strictly deductive or evidentiary, then...what? Conceptual, or aesthetic....zen-master-ness?....if it sounds good, it is good
In some situations, we need evidence (argument, proof, etc). In others...we may not. I may not demand facts when reading Conrad (tho...I think most humans reading literature want believability of a sort, unless it's just pure stoner-sci-fi dreck). But when reading say Kant one wants ...proof of a sort. Or plausibility (and IIRC few rigorous arguments are to be found in the Kritik, really). With
"Anxiety reveals the Nothing...." a character in some moody novel might utter it. When the Philosopher says it....some might say...prove it. One reason I find literary existentialists "more authentic"
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