Thursday, February 24, 2011
Today in UFO Digest:
In the 1970s, Ouija board users were also described as "cult members" by sociologists, though this was severely scrutinized in the field. The Ouija board was criticized by Heidegger who noted that: "it seems as though man everywhere and always encounters himself" and was said to have described users of the board as 'arrogant' in their assumption that they could overcome death to talk to spirits.
I tried to track down the source of this, and found dozens of ouija board web pages repeating the same thing. I finally tracked it down to the Wikipedia page on ouija boards. They cite a paper in the Rhetorical Society Quartely, short title "Ouija Board", by Lundberg and Gunn, which only mentions Heidegger in passing in a discussion of postmodernism and Derrida, Foucault, Zizek and Lacan, none of whom refer to Ouija boards directly. I removed the paragraph from Wikipedia.
"I removed the paragraph from Wikipedia"

If anyone wonders where it went, they can blame it on the Ouija spirits?
I did include an explanation for the change. But finding that in the bowels of Wikipedia, I'm sure, is for specialists.
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