Monday, February 14, 2011
Word of advice from the old man, in "A Letter to a Young Student".
The default of God and the divinities is absence. But absence is not nothing; rather it is precisely the presence) which must first be appropriated, of the hidden fullness and wealth of what has been and what, thus gathered, is presencing, of the divine in the world of the Greeks, in prophetic Judaism, in the preaching of Jesus. This no-longer is in itself a not-yet of the veiled arrival of its inexhaustible nature. Since Being is never the merely precisely actual, to guard Being can never be equated with the task of a guard who protects from burglars a treasure stored in a building. Guardianship of Being is not fixated upon something existent. The exiting thing, taken for itself, never contains an appeal of Being. Guardianship is vigilance, watchfulness for the has-been and coming destiny of Being, a vigilance that issues from a long and ever-renewed thoughtful deliberateness, which heeds the directive that lies in the manner in which Being makes its appeal. In the destiny of Being there is never a mere sequence of things one after another: now frame, then world and thing; rather, there is always a passing by and simultaneity of the early and late.

P. 182-3
",,,always a passing by and simultaneity of the early and late."

Is "authentic" time the contrary of "vulgar" time? As I age, I am astonished at how clear and vivid memories from my earliest days remain. I cannot shake my disappointment at how the promises of the future I learned growing up are even further from realization than when I was a child. If time remains on our side, it gives no guarantee that everything will be all right in the end. I regret not being able to teach that to my grandsons, as I was taught. Then, maybe, they can have a more exciting and fulfilling time than even I have had.
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