Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Dieter Thomä on naming and the poets.
Heidegger himself discovers some of his relatives among the poets: Arthur Rimbaud and Georg Trakl, and this list has been expanded with René Char and Guillaume Apollinaire. A glance at their poems makes clear the effect of the "is" benefits not only "things" in Heidegger's limited sense, but events, experiences, and feelings, too; they are, as it were, immobilized by the intemıption of the stream of language brought about by the obstinately repeated "it is." This enhancement of the competence attributed to the "it is" confirms its plausibility as a language-game beyond the realm yielded by Heidegger. I can only mention the fact that Heidegger's conception could illuminatingly be compared to two other authors, namely Walter Benjamin and Robert Antelme. Both stress the saving function of naming, and they seek to come to terms with the question of how isolated and isolating names may be accompanied or complemented with a language based on associations, qualities, and correspondences.

P. 117
From "The name on the edge of language".
RimbaudCo--not a great investment.

yo Enk. did you note the flair-up between Zizek and Prof. Dabashi at Al Jazeera?. You and the PoMo hepsters at Enk.com might find it interesting (while agreeing--to some extent-- that Zizek's antics may be wearisome I disagree with Dabashi's accusations actually..as do most of the commenters apparently).

That said Kant's ....racist dicta was a bit surprising (tho' from my limited readings..the ante-Rev IK was not the post-Rev. IK.--so I assume that was pre-Rev) Perhaps Pseudi might clarify). Perhaps for comparison one could locate comments by,say an Ottoman Pasha on..the euro-infidel.
I don't buy Dabashi's criticism.

"What unites Kant, Levinas, and Zizek (among many others) is that their self-universalising philosophies are invariably predicated on denying others the capacity to think critically or creatively by way of enabling, authorising, and empowering themselves to think for the world."

I don't see them denying others, but instead challenging others to confront universalism. And in general, accusations of "Orientalism" are counterproductive, as the significance of 19th century Orientalism in Western intellectual history is underappreciated because it has turned taboo since Said.
Thanks for the referral J. Eric Vogelin reduces the Oriental philosophies/religions to "incomplete" (as I recall) when compared to the complete philosopies/religions of the Hebrews, the Greeks, and the Christians.Incompletes are not universal enough for Vogelin.

I am still struggling with Stambaugh's "Finitude" but in that and another of her later works she indicates her current interest in the theologies of Zen. Dogen and Heidegger might provide a place "between" the Orient and the Occident to have a conversation. But only if it is joined by some set of shared conceptualizations.
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ideology and ...dogma often work in a similar fashion do they not (including all flavors of the code of Ibrahim).

One reason.. PoMo often--becomes another type of ID politics.

Either way....a contract of some sort takes precedent over the...theocracy, or ideology-- Hegel himself said as much.
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