Saturday, November 05, 2011

Glossorhea on the unfortunate subject and a new beginning.
Understood as such there is no sense in which there is an objective reality with which Dasein contracts business, but a hodgepodge and interlocking mixture of categories, practices and designations, which totally comprise the world which Dasein, in some sense, is. “With this totality” Heidegger notes, “the world announces itself.” The genius here is that this is precisely how one would need to conceive of a philosophical anthropology wherein the subject object dichotomy fades away. One is not stuck with stodgy realism, because there is no world without Dasein, but indeed, there is no Dasein without a world. There is no world without other Daseins and there are no other Daseins without average ways of encountering the world. There are no average ways of encountering the world without equipment and there is no equipment without other equipment—uses and valences. Instead of there being a reality, then, and individuals running through it, hopelessly seeking to match mental propositions with ‘actual’ events, there are only collections of meanings, of uses, of people and of objects. There is no ways to use an object except for something else, and in this sense, objects don’t exist, uses do. Even when used scientifically as to understand a law, this still carries a telos, and as such, exists as an object for Dasein not as an object in itself.
The nice thing about philosophical anthropology is that it's all Greek, back at the first beginning, unlike studying the human mind, or consciousness. Consciousness is an enlightenment term, from the Latin "to know". And, philosophical anthropology is not a psychologism because it's about anthros, not psyche.
"Consciousness" may be a bit clinical or vulgar for continentalists. On the other hand, "Dasein" may be a bit ethereal, abstract..and imprecise for the non-continental (and..in pinche aleman for that matter). Either way, Heideggerian jargon IMO lacks the...poetic connotations of the ancient greeks. Noesis,Logos, teleos I can sort of unravel.
Gelassenheitsich or whatever..IM gettingthe Lawrence Welk vibe, man (Id wager Vati MH took enjoyed some accordion muzack).
re: MH and muzack.

I like the story that MH had his Black Forest neighbors laughing aloud when he agreed to give them a lecture. Shows that he was quite aware of the needs of his listeners when he was called on.
Did he have some Ludwig Van or Bach playing (well..LPs probably rare), or...accordion ooom pah pah. I wager the latter,mostly--maybe with the greatest hits of Vagner
"Vati MH took enjoyed some accordion muzack"

Is vati the adjectival form of vato?

In Sombra de Heidegger there's a passage on how a tango vato is Argentina's MH - he's exploited/duped by Peron.
Vati's german--"daddy" from Vater

Vato...rather different ontology--spanish slang for...homie, gangsta, "jack", eh. Tengo vato. Tengo-jack, bad-ass etc. Mi espanol es mejor que mi aleman
Vato also means bard - inspired, creative, artist the muse talks to. Like Athena guiding Odysseus, for Sean Kelly.
I think that's (lemme check el cassell's)..Vate. Yes

A bit different. "Vato" is Ellay-barrio slang mostly
I've re-searched vato, and I find a lot of Mexican/LA definitions as "dude", "homie", and hints that it had an baser meaning to older generation. Nothing in Argentinian slang sources. And I find vate translated as bard or poet.

I'll have to recheck my translation and source, and make sure I'm not using bard when I should use dude.

I have a sudden urge to hear Ruben and the Jets.
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