Saturday, November 19, 2011
The Newark Star-Ledger reviews a new dance work by John Jasperse.
Although by now the white robot has run over Jasperse, taping him to the ground, he frees himself; and the cast rips up the red, but not the green tape. Green light bathes the scene, as the world retreats to its natural boundaries. “Canyon” ends quietly, without even a whimper. Reviving our ability to experience innocent wonderment, Heidegger wrote, shows the path out of sterile intellectualizing.

Whether salvation truly lies in the primitivist theories of a Nazi sympathizer or whether embracing those theories merely points to our ultimate decadence is a question dance lovers must answer for themselves.
Curious attribution, "primitivist theories". The only place I'm aware of where a form of the word primitive shows up in the corpus, is Heidegger clarifying that's not what he means. This is perhaps another example of why the term journalism is often understood as pejorative synonym for writing.
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