Saturday, November 19, 2011
The pure should not be confused with the primitive.
Ποιητικὴ ἐπιστήμη is a versatile understanding of ποίησις, an understanding of producing and work, and not just ἐπιστήμη alone, not a mere familiarity and acquaintance with things. Such a familiarity with things does not try to make them, but lets them be what they are, solely for the sake of investigating them and being knowledgeable about what they are and how they are. This kind of conversance is science; ἐπιστήμη ποιητική, on the other hand, is τέχνη. But τέχνη can also have the meaning of a pure being familiar with things. We can gather from all this that the Greek concept of knowledge in general is essentially determined in this way, that is, in terms of the human being’s basic relation to the work, to that which is fulfilled and fully at an end. Of course, this has nothing to do with a primitive understanding of the world which operates within a horizon of handmade artworks instead of our supposedly higher mathematico-physical horizon. We will gain greater clarity in our understanding of the inner relationship of all the Greek concepts of knowledge and of the essential relation of λόγος to the work by
inquiring further about the relationship of δύναμις and λόγος.

P. 111
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