Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sara Ahbel-Rappe traveled to Elea, and reviews Vishwa Adluri's Parmenides, Plato, and Mortal Philosophy in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
A Conclusion reveals that the entire book is predicated on Heidegger’s Seinsgeschichte, Nietzsche’s rejection of metaphysics, Arendt’s notion of singularity, and general theological formulations at work in the twentieth century.

There is also a kind of postscript on the topic of Luther’s reading of Paul, to which Heidegger devoted some papers in the 1920s. At this point in Adluri’s text, I struggled to keep up with the book as a treatment of Parmenides, but perhaps that very difficulty is not amiss. After all, in this review, I have tried to describe the compass of Adluri’s work insofar as it is a reading of ancient philosophy. But Adluri suggests at places that the book actually reflects his own philosophy, in some senses a reply to Heidegger that (unlike what Adluri finds in Heidegger) emphasizes and valorizes the singular life of any person: irreplaceable, irreducible. In this critical notice of Heidegger, Adluri’s humanism and compassion profoundly infuse his work. One suspects that this book is more of an homage to Schürmann, a recognition and lamentation of the mortality of his own teacher, than a universal guide to the untruth, as it were, of metaphysics.
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