Monday, March 12, 2012
Experiencing the fourfold in architecture games, from the Huffington Post.
Leonard Souza, the lead experience architect at UniversalMind/SpatialKey, and our interaction design expert, moves on the conversation on to more theoretical questions. Phenomenology is the study of the structure of experience. According to Heidegger, it's made up of the earth, sky, human and spirit. In games, for an experience to become transcendent, you need aesthetics, story, mechanics and technology, Souza says.

The way to find the sort of transcendence Coulter is looking for is to achieve "flow," which is explained in depth in the book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience." Simplistically, flow is when someone becomes one with an experience, whether that be contained in a game or a building.
I don't know that one can 'play' one's way into anything deserving of the description "transcendent." I have nothing against play. But it is a distraction not an end in itself. We use distractions for a change of consciousness, and can find that satisfying. But then we go back to "the real world."

The primary distinction is between entertainment and education. Entertainment distracts; education plants us more securely in "the real world." Heidegger's title was "Building Dwelling Thinking." I understand that as a sentence, roughly translated as "We can build well only by thinking about what we need to dwell. And 'dwelling' is more than shelter."

So give us games that teach, especially that teach us how to teach. Yes, we are drawn to clever sights and sounds. We need more than "clever." We need intelligent.

--crossposted from Huffington Post.
Yeah. Games require engaged activity, and activity isn't conducive to reflective thinking, nor the meditative thinking "to experience the untrembling heart of unconcealment. [On Time and Being p. 68]"
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