Friday, March 16, 2012
Joan Stambaugh on the end of forgottenness, which is not the end of concealment.
What has been sending is Appropriation, which itself has no history and no destiny. What has a history is what has been sent, and that is the history of metaphysics. When Heidegger talks about the history of being, he is talking about the history of the forgottenness of being, that is, of metaphysics. [P. 41]
Metaphysics is the forgottenness of being, and that means the history of the concealment and withdrawal of that which gives being. The entry of thinking into Appropriation is thus equivalent to the end of this withdrawal’s history. The forgottenness of being ‘supersedes’ (hebt auf) itself in the awakening into Appropriation.
When thinking enters Appropriation, Appropriation ceases to withdraw itself. What does this mean? Heidegger is understandably reticent about this entry of thinking into Appropriation, but he has at least two things to say about it. (1) The end of the history of metaphysics as the succession of epochs of being is not the end of all activity and movement. (2) The end of the history of withdrawal is not necessarily the end of concealment as such.

P. 76
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