Monday, May 14, 2012
Ilan Gur-Ze’ev on the question of truth.
For Heidegger, the human subject can exist only by self overcoming, which as an authentic existence reveals itself in the moment of conceiving herself - and her surroundings - as some-thing, and will open herself to the call, to her or his mission of revealing the openness of Being in beings - and in herself. She manifests herself as a creator in realizing the call of Being and manifests her uniqueness in disclosing the thingness of the world. Dasein is “the location of the truth of Being”. For Heidegger “the essence of man consists in his being more than merely human, if this is represented as being a rational creature”. This is revealed when he responds to the call of Being: “Man is the shepherd of Being. Man loses nothing in this ‘less’; rather, he gains in that he attains the truth of Being. He gains the essential poverty of the shepherd, whose dignity consists in being called by Being itself into the preservation of Being’s truth”. Man in his authentic existence, as the shepherd of Being, is in an ecstatic “homelessness”. This is the Heideggerian understanding of realizing human responsibility as “ecstatic dwelling in the nearness of Being” which enables the Dasein to face meaninglessness, to confront the question of Being, and to exit authentically in face of the Daseinfrage (question of Being).

The possibility of authentic life is inseparable from the question of truth. But here the question of truth is not revealed as an epistemological question within a correspondence theory but as an erotic posing of the question of the truth of Being. As the shepherd of Being the human subject is not a mere thing, one of the beings which do not concern for the question of Being and the truth of his mission. He has a responsibility, an aim to fulfil – to face the absence of the call by which he is to be awakened. The response to the absent call fertilizes a creative self-positioning which is anti-instrumental or anti-goal oriented.

The Heideggerian concept of truth as a-letheia as Ent-bergung (dis-covery, uncovering, un-veiling) confronts Verbergung (concealment), closure and thingness. Transcendence in the authentic ex-istence realizes concern as un-covering, as opposed to the possibility of oblivion of human responsibility and being swallowed in an opposite, unauthentic concern in the given appearances as an alternative mode of existence.
There's a certain frisson in unveiling the truth with an erotic posing.
Or each haiku shows a different aspect of presence?
The Daseinfrage?? Maybe they were looking for the Seinsfrage?
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