Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Beirut's The Daily Star asks what's present in art.
One of the more easily grasped propositions of German philosopher Martin Heidegger has it that when you’re reading a book or watching a film, you’re closer to the text on the page or the images on screen than to, say, the glasses perched atop your nose. According to this theory of space, the thing closest to you at a given moment is the thing that has your attention.
Heidegger may come to mind if you visit Art Factum Gallery these days, wrapped into the question: In an art gallery, what object should be closest to the onlookers?
We go to museums to passively gaze on art, but we go to galleries to be presented with art.
Your distinction illustrates to me the difference between education and profit-seeking. Neither is pure but they are distinct.
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