Monday, December 03, 2012
James Risser on recovering from metaphysics.
For Heidegger we have not in fact accomplished the getting over, for we do not come to the end of metaphysics in the manner of a Hegelian Aufheben in which the end would presumably coincide with a completion. Rather, in arriving at the end of metaphysics the philosopher takes up a still higher determination in relation to its "most extreme possibility." It is with respect to the possible misconstruing of his intentions here that Heidegger will identify his work as a "step back" out of metaphysics, and in connection with this step back, which retains its association with a recovery, Heidegger makes a subtle shift in his wording. It is not a matter of an Überwindung (overcoming) of metaphysics, but of a Verwindung of metaphysics. In ordinary German the word verwinden is used in connection with the getting over of a sickness. The word is also linked to winden, meaning to twist, and with respect to convalescence the word implies the idea of resignation. By using this word Heidegger recognizes that metaphysics is not something that can be left behind or put aside, but remains that from which we are recovering. Thus, at the end of metaphysics is the convalescing from metaphysics.
Pp. 14-5
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