Friday, January 25, 2013
Eric Sean Nelson on the turning in Ereignis and others.
Human existence always already belongs to others; it is already with others in the world as a common significant with-world, out of which it understands and acts. Hearing and listening inform and attune a comportment that is directed toward the other, insofar as Dasein is open for the world in standing out in the world, that is, is ecstatic (GA 2, p. 218). This means that the question is not whether but how we go along with and do not go along with others, and how the alterity of the other can be recognized. Heidegger answers this question by pointing toward the possibility of genuine hearing. This hearing and hearkening indicate the passivity of a letting occur. Both are necessary conditions for a responsive relation with the other. This problematic will be transformed through what Heidegger calls the “turning in enowning” (die Kehre im Ereignis) [GA 65, p. 407/286]. The listening confrontation occurs out of the “between” (Zwischen) and the place (Ort) of de-cision (Ent-scheidung), as the answer and question concerning the violence and uncanniness of the human. Heidegger explored in his Introduction to Metaphysics this nexus of address and conflict, of logos (λόγος) and polemos (πόλεμος). More acutely, later in the decade, Heidegger thinks enowning (Ereignis) beyond agon (άγών) and polemos (πόλεμος), as the primordial difference (Austrag) and strife enacted between gods and humans, world and earth.
P. 284-5
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