Thursday, February 28, 2013

Larval Subjects on living at the interstices between two worlds.
There was the world before the internet and the world after the internet, and the two are entirely different worlds. For me, the world before the internet, the world prior to 1994 (god, I have students now that were born that year), was a world where I could only find books at crappy mall bookstores like Walden Books and B Daltons. I had heard of Kant, Husserl, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, and many others, but only could get some books by Sartre, Nietzsche, Camus, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Kafka, Russell, Whitehead (strangely), Spinoza, and a few others. I had to scour the country side, driving for hours to find whatever I happened to come across: an obscure translation of Kant’s first Critique with uncut pages, Santayana, Josiah Royce, Unamuno, Gassett, Proust, and a host of others. This was all in the early 90s. I read whatever fell into my hands. And when my grandmother gave me a copy of Heidegger’s Being and Time, Husserl’s Ideas (actually I stole it from the community college library, don’t tell), and the then official translation of Kant’s first Critique, I felt as if I’d received something tremendously valuable, like illuminated texts. My highschool friends weren’t impressed.
Same as it ever was . . . You may find yourself in an entirely different world . . . You may ask yourself, well, how did I click here? . . . You may tell yourself, this is not my Greek Agora . . . Same as it ever was.
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