Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Heidegger gets metamorphosed in Ruth Ozeki's A Tale for the Time Being.
[Father] was sitting at the kotatsu, folding a Japanese rhinoceros beetle from a page of The Great Minds of Western Philosophy. On account of what I'd learned about Number One, I was a little bit more interested in philosophy now.
"What are you folding?" I asked.
"A Trypoxylus dichotomus tonubosonis," he said, holding it up and showing me its great pronged horn.
"No, I mean, what philosopher?"
He turned the insect over, squinted, and started to read, rotating the body to follow the line of words around the folds and edges. "'. . . existent Dasein . . . comes to pass in time . . . historizing which is 'past' in our Being-with-one-another . . . handed down . . . regarded as 'history' in the sense that it gets emphasized,'" he read, and then he smiled. "Mr. Martin Heidegger-san."
P. 263
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