Tuesday, April 09, 2013
In NDPR, Duane H. Davis reviews Leonard Lawlor's Early Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy.
Lawlor foregrounds the difference between world and things as the event of appropriation. "To think according to language amounts, for Heidegger, to experiencing the speaking of language itself so that this speaking 'happens' (ereignet) as an event, it grants an abode". Glossing other post-Kehre works, language is "the house of being" where we dwell poetically. Language calls humans forth in the "fundamental rift or tear (Riss) of Being itself". Lawlor stresses the way language is an opening to the outside -- not from an inner subject, but in a profoundly new way -- from silence. "This speaking from the unspoken, a beginning speaking . . . turns the spoken into a 'trait' (Zug) . . . or a 'trace' (Spur) . . . . What we must do is learn to dwell within this 'whole of traits' . . . . Another name for this whole of traits is the outside". Thus, as will become apparent in the final chapter, the later works of Heidegger are reframed as being on the way to Foucault.
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