Monday, December 16, 2013
Catherine Malabou on the fable of Care, section 42 of B&T.
Dasein is made of clay, which means that it has to continually form and transform itself. This necessity to shape one’s being characterizes the very structure of care. The fable of Care helps us to understand being-in-the world as a plastic condition. Humus does not characterize Dasein’s bodily material, but rather the transformabiity of its being. Through the difference between Earth—understood as the Earth, to which the creature’s body in the fable belongs—and earth—understood as humus—appears the ontological necessity, for Dasein, to fashion and to shape what it is, that is, to fashion and to shape the difference in which its existence consists. This difference is the difference between Dasein’s authentic and inauthentic modes of being.
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