Sunday, January 19, 2014
In LARB, Eduardo Mendieta reviews Vattimo and Zabala’s Hermeneutic Communism.
This turn was instigated by three key philosophers: C. S. Peirce, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Martin Heidegger. The philosophy of the last century has been an attempt to make sense of what these three philosophers meant when they claimed that all we have is semiology (Peirce), that language games are forms of life (Wittgenstein), and that language is the house of being (Heidegger). In short: metaphysics did not come to an end of its own accord, nor was it a gift that we have received or struggled to interpret from being, or some transworldly force. Metaphysics keeps being abolished by the work of philosophy, which is carried out by philosophers using different tools within different philosophical traditions.
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