Sunday, February 09, 2014
In NDPR, Krzysztof Ziarek reviews David Nowell Smith's Sounding/Silence: Martin Heidegger at the Limits of Poetics.
The recently published GA 71, Das Ereignis and GA 74, Zum Wesen der Sprach und Zur Frage nach der Kunst suggest an even more crucial role given by Heidegger to the notion of the word (das Wort), which though silent and non-verbal, is nonetheless essential to language, that is, it bespeaks the very movement, the way-making, that brings the essence of language into articulation. In fact, Heidegger goes as far as to write that "Das Ereignis wortet" ("The event words"), which means that the emergence of the openness for intelligibility is already a language before language: a gathering of "silent" words on the way to verbal language, that is, to the sounding (Verlautbarung) into signs. Differently put, the event occurs as the non-human language of being underway to articulation in human language(s).
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