Thursday, March 27, 2014
The New Yorker on Heidegger's anti-semitism.
For Heidegger, the project of rescuing language from the ostensible truth of logic and restoring it to iridescent incantation implied kicking out the intellectual struts from under the claims to progress on the part of technological society. By undermining logic and science, Heidegger also undermined the Enlightenment—and the individualism, the freedoms, the claim to rights that are made in the name of reason and progress. Even apart from his specific ideological pronouncements, Heidegger was, philosophically, an anti-humanist rightist.
If you advocate critical enquiry, then Judaism, secular Jewish thought about the gentile, and Jewish ethnic activism in diaspore must be as open to examination and critique as anything else.

So why are you using this term "anti-Semitism"? Is it that criticism of the existential conflict between Jew and European is somehow NOT open to Europeans?
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