Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Partially Examined Life on Heidegger's trauma.
[I]s it even valid to try and answer the question of the influence of a philosopher’s life on his work? It would seem Heidegger invites us to do so; he gave a central role to moods (affectivity) in the disclosure of our Being-in-the-World. “Ontologically, mood is a primordial kind of Being for Dasein, in which Dasein is disclosed to itself prior to all cognition and volition, and beyond their range of disclosure” (B&T, p. 175). Mood discloses how “what [Dasein] encounters within-the world can ‘matter’ to it” (B&T, p. 176). For Heidegger, ontical experiences of mood, are ontologically revelatory. Therefore, Heidegger’s slide into Nazism can be seen as his ontic reaction, his angst in the face of massive political and cultural oppression of Nazism, especially as it affected academia, and his ability to do philosophy.
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