Monday, June 16, 2014
In the Jewish Review of Books, Richard Wolin reviews the Black Notebooks.
What the Black Notebooks now provide, in contrast to the lectures and theoretical treatises that have already been published, is access to Heidegger’s innermost philosophical thoughts: the elaboration of an extensive “hidden doctrine” that the philosopher developed in the solitude of his Black Forest ski hut.
This concern for innermost thoughts indicates the Cartesian ideology at work here. Philosophy is not about some homunculus inside Heidegger that should be measured and positioned against some ordering of political correctness. Presumably Wolin would throw out modern logic because of Frege's antisemitism.
I found the comment about Wolin’s “Cartesian ideology” interesting (there’s something at work in this “innermost” that is reminiscent of a hierarchy of authenticity). However, it seems that Wolin already wrote about Frege and is not willing to dismiss his logical work: see ‘The Politics of Being: The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger’ (1990), p. 10
I'll post the Wolin on Frege.

I found this bit in the review indicative:

> As the German journalist Thomas Assheuer has astutely noted: The hermeneutic trick of acknowledging Heidegger’s anti-Semitism only in order to permanently cordon it off from his philosophy proper is no longer convincing.

Journalists should set the standard for what's philosophically convincing?
Thomas Assheuer was the one who, allegedly at Habermas’s request, started the “Sloterdijk affaire” in die Zeit, after Habermas came in contact with the Rules conference. Do you have a reference for this bit of review: I couldn’t find it online. Maybe it’s a translation from German?
Meanwhile, just to keep it interesting, J-L Nancy has weighed in on the Carnets Noirs.
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