Monday, October 20, 2014
In Foreign Affairs, Gregory Fried reviews Peter Trawny's Heidegger und der Mythos der jüdischen Weltverschwörung. It's mainly a recap of L'affaire Heidegger.
Whatever the philosopher’s motivations, the notebooks will almost certainly spell the end of Heidegger as an intellectual cult figure, and that is a welcome development.
This is somewhat hyperbolic. Yes, scholars translate Heidegger's works, and study and comment on them, but I don't see any evidence of a cult. Who are the cult leaders? Where does the cult gather? Are they those dour chaps in black turtlenecks? Is there any empirical evidence for the existence of the cult? It sounds like a metaphysical straw man to me. Does the end of Heidegger include banning his works, as Faye recommends, and Fried reports uncritically, while poo-pooing Faye's critics? Academic philosophy will remain stuck in its rut, unless it removes its political correctness blinkers, and returns to Aristotle and genuine philosophical inquiry.
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