Saturday, May 02, 2015
In The Hindu, Manash Bhattacharjee reviews K. Satchidanandan’s poetry.
Where do poems come from, as they use us to utter themselves, resisting the power of our intentionality? By raising this question, Satchidanandan frees the poem from the claims of intentionality, and grants poems their own, free agency to dictate their will upon the poet. Here again, Satchidanandan offers a radical hermeneutic twist to Heidegger’s reading of language. Though Heidegger language acts as a disclosure of being by ascertaining a correspondence between itself and being, prompting Heidegger to conclude that being dwells in the house of language. Satchidanandan advances the thought that language does not necessarily listen to the being of the poet, and creates meaning and correspondence through a contrary spirit. Language does not originate in being in Satchidanandan’s poem, but rather is born elsewhere, in the house of the other, of otherness, registering its elsewhere-ness, its mode of presence being situated in an otherwise than being.
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