Thursday, June 04, 2015
Heidegger on the freedom of openness.
The light can illuminate present beings only once these have come themselves into the open and into the free domain, when they can unfurl themselves within it. This openness is, to be sure, illuminated by light, but in no way is it formed or produced by it. Even darkness needs this openness, else we would not be able to move in it and make our way through it.
No space could grant to things their place and arrangement, no time could temporalize [zeitigen] the hour or the year to becoming and perishing, that is, grant them their extension and duration, if the openness that by its sheer force traverses them had not always already been accorded to space and to time and to their mutual belonging.
The language of the Greeks calls this free offering of freedom [Freigabe des Freien] which grants every openness: Ἀ-λήθεια, un-concealment. The latter does not do away with concealment; rather unconcealment is everywhere in need of concealment.
From "The Provenance of Art and the Destination of Thought (1967)".
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