Thursday, June 25, 2015
Ontological debt in B&T.
In Dasein there is undeniably a constant 'lack of totality' which finds an end with death. This "not-yet" 'belongs' to Dasein as long as it is; this is how things stand phenomenally. Is this to be Interpreted as still outstanding?! With relation to what entities do we talk about that which is still outstanding? When we use this expression we have in view that which indeed 'belongs' to an entity, but is still missing. Outstanding, as a way of being missing, is grounded upon a belonging-to. For instance, the remainder yet to be received when a debt is to be balanced off, is still outstanding. That which is still outstanding is not yet at one's disposal. When the 'debt' gets paid off, that which is still outstanding gets liquidated; this signifies that the money 'comes in', or, in other words, that the remainder comes successively along. By this procedure the "not-yet" gets filled up, as it were, until the sum that is owed is "all together". Therefore, to be still outstanding means that what belongs together is not yet all together.
P. 286
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