Saturday, June 06, 2015
Romanticism is pop metaphysics
Romanticism has not yet come to its end. Romanticism attempts once gain a transfiguration of beings, which as re-acting against the thorough explaining and calculating strives only to evolve beyond or next to this explaining and calculating. This transfiguration "calls upon" the historical renewal of "culture," urges its rootedness in the "people," and strives for communication to everyone.
This popularization of "metaphysics" brings about a vivifying of what has been up to now; what has lain fallow is again heeded and protected and brought forth for enjoyment and for elation. And in comparison with what has seemingly become old, something new seems to arise. And yet, everything moves in a lack of decision, insofar as considering be-ing a being itself remains unquestioned and, in spite of dissemination and vivification, unobtrusively vanishes and leaves behind only the objective as its glimmer.
P. 349
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