Saturday, September 12, 2015
Thomas Sheehan's article "Emmanuel Faye: The Introduction of Fraud Into Philosophy?" is now available.
A week after the conference (September 20, 2014) Faye circulated an extraordinary 3500-word open letter in French to the conference panelists, protesting against my presentation and trying to counter some of its arguments. I responded to Faye a week later with a 5500-word open letter refuting in detail each point of his circular letter and further exposing the obvious and quite serious flaws in Faye’s reading of Heidegger.
What follows are the details of the mistranslations, misrepresentations, and falsehoods that populate both Faye’s book and his open letter. Unfortunately it is a long and dreary chronicle. (The footnotes, tedious as they may seem, are crucial to the argument). After examining the evidence, the reader may decide whether or not Emmanuel Faye is engaged in an effort to trash Heidegger without managing to understand him.
Earlier excerpt.
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