Friday, November 27, 2015

The Two Cities on Bruce Lee, black belt ontologist.
Related to the ever-moving formless quality of water, Bruce Lee also once stated:
In Science we have finally come back to the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus, who said everything is flow, flux, process. There are no “things.” NOTHINGNESS in Eastern language is “no-thingness”. We in the West think of nothingness as a void, an emptiness, an nonexistence. In Eastern philosophy and modern physical science, nothingness — no-thingness — is a form of process, ever moving.
Those of you familiar with Heidegger will of course know about his fascination with the pre-Socratic philosophy and his (in)famous notion of ‘the Nothing’ (das Nicht), which also features in ‘The Thing':
Death is the shrine of Nothing, that is, of that which in every respect is never something that merely exists, but which nevertheless presences, even as the mystery of Being itself. As the shrine of Nothing, death harbors within itself the presencing of Being.
For even better similitude, try:
The nothing is not the annihilation of things, and it does not come from an act of negation. Annihilation and negation cannot account for the action of the no-thing. The no-thing itself propels us into meaning.
From What is Metaphysics.
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