Tuesday, November 24, 2015
In Memory Theatre, Simon Critchely digs through Michel Haar's archives.
To my complete astonishment I found the original copies of a triangular correspondence between Jean Beaufret, Jacques Lacan and Martin Heidegger, which concerned the latter's vistit to Cerisy-la-Salle near Saint Lô in Normandy in 1955 to deliver the lecture, 'Was ist das - die Philosophie?', the title of which had always made me laugh. I don't know why. Most amusingly, some of the correspondence between Lacan and Beaufret deals with the topic of what Herr und Frau Heidegger might chose to eat for breakfast chez Lacan during their passage through Paris. Lacan had made complex plans to obtain specially imported Schwarzbrot from Alsace, together with hard cheeses and ham. Beaufret spends some paragraphs reassuring Lacan that the Heideggers looked forward to nothing better than some croissants, a café crème and perhaps a little tartine.
P. 11-2
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