Tuesday, November 17, 2015
In NDPR, Scott M. Campbell reviews Peter Manchester's Temporality and Trinity.
Manchester's criticism is thoughtful and imaginative. The gist of it is that when Heidegger claims that now-time measures time, he does not take into account the fact that the clock which he says is measuring time has a graduated clock face. It is these units that make the movement of the hands on the clock a measurement. Manchester concludes from this that Heidegger's claim that clock time is matter of counting nows is untenable. Manchester also claims, as I mentioned earlier, that we use clocks primarily to tell time, not to measure it. He says that the clock helps us to coordinate with what Heidegger calls the temporality of everydayness, making it not so much a measure of time as a way of telling time in average, everyday life.
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