Friday, August 19, 2016
In NDPR Scott M. Campbell reviews Sacha Golob's Heidegger on Concepts, Freedom and Normativity.
[W]hen Golob talks about truth, he deviates from the more common understanding of truth in Heidegger as unconcealment prior to correctness and incorrectness by saying that Heidegger is a minimal representationalist whose notion of truth must contain "accuracy conditions". Golob argues that for Heidegger, truth involves meaning, and thus understanding, and something can always be understood either correctly or incorrectly. As such, to understand Being involves the correct or incorrect understanding of the properties of a thing, which constitute its essence. For Golob, an entity cannot simply be disclosed or given. It must be contextualised, the "a" variable must be located within the "b" variable, and with the "a as b" structure an accuracy condition is operative.
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