Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Vincent Blok on calculating workers' lived experience.
From 1934–1935 on, Heidegger stresses that the appearance of the work-world in its usability presupposes the representation of beings as potential energy and the calculation of their possible functionality. This calculation is not necessarily carried out in figures but has to be understood as an accounting—a taking into account—that proceeds in a calculating way; it counts on something and calculates with something in order to calculate the beneficiality of the work for the worker. The work-world is “the re-presented by calculating and calculation, where all depends on securing the operational effectiveness of the power, and whose essence (machination) pervades everything.” From 1934 on, Heidegger concentrates on machination as the origin of our being-at-work; the work-world appears as re-presented (machination) for human experience as representation (lived experience). Lived experience is the center of reference on which the makeability of beings depends, which means that beings (machination) count as being to the extent that they are experienced in life, i.e., to the degree and extent that they become life-experience. With this, it becomes clear that machination and lived experience is the essence of the work-world and of the worker as the subject of our being-at-work in the work-world.
P. 79-80
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