Tuesday, October 03, 2017
In NDPR, Robert P. Crease reviews Vincent Blok's Ernst Jünger's Philosophy of Technology: Heidegger and the Poetics of the Anthropocene.
Another place where Jünger influenced Heidegger was on the idea of nihilism. Jünger wrote of the experience of nihilism as a movement towards a zero line or meridian, but one that can, at least potentially, via a "new turning of Being," be crossed over into a new era in which nihilism is overcome -- while Heidegger thought that nihilism cannot be overcome and the only recourse is a return to the question of Being. Klok, however, argues that Jünger not only helped usher Heidegger to his own position, but actually began to accomplish what Heidegger criticizes him for not doing. Klok cites a number of other points where Jünger influenced Heidegger: on the latter's notions of "overcoming," calculating, and Gelassenheit, among others.
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