Monday, January 15, 2018
Friedrich Kittler on the logic of the machines.
[W]e are now living in a world where you can say, at the very least, that computers have taken control, just as Turing predicted. And although in that wonderful year of 1936, two American mathematicians proposed effectively the same theory, with calculable numbers and functions, Turing, in England, was the only one who specified a machine for it. The machine has appointed us and the machine, not mathematics, is the reason we are here talking about media art in 2007. But what does it mean that we no longer calculate pi by hand, as Ludolph did, but that machines relieve us of that need and that there are things in the world that imagine things of the world without us having done anything other than construct them and get them to think? What does it mean that logic, in a Heideggerian sense, has fallen to machines, and that logic professors are gradually becoming superfluous? Does it mean anything for the formalism and laws of logic and thought, or do such things as pi and its decimal places reveal something about the world we live in? The physical, the chemical, the biological world that we’re in?
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