Friday, January 19, 2018
Vishwa Adluri on the uniqueness of existence.
An examination of Heidegger’s central determinations of the being of human existence such as Jeweiligkeit, Faktizität, Sein-in-der-Welt, In-sein shows how the desire to preserve an experience of immanence of Diesseitigkeit is the guiding motivation for Heidegger’s thought. Heidegger’s central insight into the diesseitig or diesmalig character of existence is key to understanding the further steps of his philosophy. We can express these steps as follows:
1. Desire to preserve immanence, being-in-the-world

2. Emphasis upon facticity

3. Emphasis upon Jeweiligkeit

4. Critical appropriation of Aristotle

5. Positive interpretation of time as finite and eschatologically open
Especially from SZ onward, the problem of human existence essentially relates to the problem of time for Heidegger. But while this emphasis upon time as finite allows Heidegger to preserve facticity and the this-worldly salvation of authentic existence, he also closes off any transcendence. It is here that we must seek the reasons for Heidegger’s critique of Aristotle as Heidegger claims that Aristotle misunderstands the nature of transcendence by locating it in the θεῖον.
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