Monday, July 16, 2018
Daniela Vallega-Neu on the changes from Contributions to Event.
In The Event [Heidegger] criticizes the notion of Da-sein in Contributions, and says, "Da-sein is certainly thought essentially out of the event, and yet it is thought too one-sidely with reference to the human being" (GA 71: 5). This and the fact that Dasein in Being and Time designates primarily human being so much that it invited a misinterpretation of Dasein as subject, are the reasons that I believe one ought to translate Da-sein with "being-there" or "there-being." Being-there is the open site, the time-space of the unconcealing concealment of being, of withdrawal and eventuation of the event. All this does not occur without the human, without an attuned, steadfastness (Inständigkeit) or ek-sistence, a "being" in the openness of the "there" of beyng. To speak "of" the event is an effort to speak what gives itself in a responsive listening to what addresses thinking. In this dimension of creative thinking, there is no differentiation of thinking and what is thought, no differentiation of subject and object but a turning event in which differencing and encounter of various dimensions come to be. In Contributions, Heidegger highlights in Da-sein sometimes the "Da-," that is, the disclosure of the truth of being, and other times, the "-sein," the being of the there, which is how humans are when they stand in the openness of the truth of being. But nowhere in Contributions can we find Heidegger saying what he says in The Event: "Experienced in terms of the historicality of being, 'Da-sein' is the name for beyng which is thought out of the essential occurrence of its truth" (GA 71: 140). In this later volume Heidegger thinks Da-sein more radically out of the truth of beyng and not primarily in relation to human being.
P. 13-4
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