Friday, August 24, 2018
In Forbes, Julian Vigo on time today.
Heidegger frames temporality as a process with three dimensions which form a finite whole. The task that Heidegger sets himself in this oeuvre is to define the movement of human finitude. Heidegger never finished Being and Time and leaves many questions regarding the interstices of being in time, how time and being intersect. But these questions were taken up by others long before and since Heidegger’s death fifty years later. Contemporary notions of time are formulated in large part in relation to how Heidegger along with Henri Bergson and Albert Einstein interrogated temporality of modernism. From Einstein’s “public time,” Bergon’s durée (duration) and Heidegger’s task to unravel the existential nature of time, contemporary humans are still caught up in the problems of time through technology.
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