Saturday, January 05, 2019
From a letter from Martin to Fritz Heidegger, February 17th, 1945.
Dear Fritz!
Along the path that leads to thinking the event there is a silent light. Might that path lead us on to find the "gentle law*"? That light is there where no causality reigns. I have suspected for a long time that behind the difference, that moves Stifter's poetry, that which is between the small and the large, where the small is the large, between the violent and the gentle, where the gentle is the violent, something else is yet hidden. What is hidden is the same as Hölderlin indicates when he says that "Germania" is to be advice without resistance. That is the resistance between appropriating and producing something, between benevolence and will. Here "difference" is still an inadequate characteristic of the relationship.
In the future we must write essays of thinking in this ambit of appropriation, if the change of our essence is to be based on a foundation.
My translation.

* Sanfte Gesetz. Adalbert Stifter, Bunte Steine, 1853.
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