Monday, March 25, 2019
In NDPR Frank Schalow reviews Saulius Geniusas and Paul Fairfield's Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Figures and Themes.
Heidegger devises a strategy that can address the elusive character of the phenomenon, which can attend to and reconcile with this tendency toward concealment, in order that its opposite or unconcealment can prevail. Hermeneutics then becomes the entryway into phenomenology, which can transform the latter by introducing de-construction as the strategy to confront the concealment of the phenomenon, i.e., in order to expand the circle of inquiry so that being can be brought to self-manifestation. Rather than proceed in a linear way, phenomenology, through the direction of hermeneutics, addresses the phenomenon along an elliptical path, which must "question-back" to the origins as the prerequisite for proceeding forward, and thereby retrace its presuppositions in order to broaden the horizon of what is understandable and can be philosophically understood. As the key to his "breakthrough," Heidegger recognized that phenomenology must become hermeneutical, if it is to address the topic of being in a concrete manner. Perhaps in hindsight he did not emphasize as strongly the flipside, namely, that to become philosophical, hermeneutics requires phenomenology, in order that its interpretive strategies do not become free-floating, merely literary and textual inventions divorced from human experience (and "ek-sistence" as well).
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